Clipboard Health Research and Feature Design
Showing healthcare professionals the work that Clipboard Health has to offer
Challenge (Problem)
Prospective users cannot see per diem shifts available to them
Create a shift-browsing feature
What I did
Market research
User surveys
User interviews
Competitive/comparative analysis
Affinity mapping
Usability testing
About Clipboard Health
Clipboard Health is a marketplace platform based in San Francisco, CA that posts per diem shifts to nurses and healthcare professionals.
According to their website: “We give facilities peace of mind knowing that their shifts will be filled by reliable staff, while professionals get the flexibility and freedom to live their lives to the fullest.”
My team was approached by Clipboard Health to conduct user research and help them attract new prospective members.
The main problem currently is only fully-onboarded healthcare professionals can view which specific shifts are available to them, curbing the incentive for prospective users to apply.
We prioritized designing an informative, easy-to-use experience for prospective Clipboard Health employees to find available shifts in their area, before they commit to applying to the company.
1. Design a feature that allows prospective users to see the available shifts in their area.
2. Build filters for easier browsing, the ability to favorite shifts, and display a medical facility’s ratings and reviews.
Market research
I researched the landscape of the healthcare job market and discovered:
Healthcare workers are experiencing similar rates of job instability as the general public.
Not only could Clipboard Health mitigate the 80% abandonment rate of their onboarding process, but also help the average Clipboard Health user -on average, of a marginalized identity- find employment.
User survey
We sent a user survey asking healthcare workers about their job hunting experiences.
96.5% of applicants expect to see job descriptions when job searching (duh)
Salary is the strongest consideration for prospective employees
Currently, Clipboard Health only lists:
Wide salary ranges
No hourly rates
Vague job descriptions
Competitive analysis
Using a feature inventory, we compared Clipboard Health’s current shift browsing experience to competing staffing agencies:
The features we focused on were:
Visibility of available shifts
Advanced filtering
Feedback & reviews
Shift favoriting
Clipboard Health’s current experience lacked all four of the mentioned features.
These four became a priority to incorporate into our design.
User interviews
We then conducted user interviews with existing Clipboard Health employees, asking about the successes and frustrations with their current experience with the platform.
All participants reported zero complaints with the onboarding process, affirming our decision to focus on the prospective user experience.
Protoype and usability testing part deux
Now with a working prototype of Clipboard Health’s shift shopping experience,
we contacted the same usability test subjects and asked them to directly compare our design with those of AirBNB and ZocDoc.
Overall, they agreed that we had accomplished an intuitive, straightforward showcase of Clipboard Health’s available shifts.
We did receive some constructive feedback:
Users wanted more information about the company before committing to looking for shifts.
The iconography we chose to indicate time of shift was confusing.
To address these issues, we included more information on our homepage about the benefits of working for Clipboard Health. We also placed the icons under the filter to select time of shift, to explain their meaning.
Comparative analysis
We conducted usability tests of two comparator apps known for their excellent browsing experience: AirBNB and ZocDoc.
We recruited 5 healthcare professionals to execute simple tasks on the apps, and asked for their feedback.
Their enjoyment of the comparators’ experiences boiled down to:
Visual appeal
Thus, we focused on those three attributes during our initial sketches.
Affinity mapping ➡️ Persona creation
Meet the Busy Bunny!
Shopping made simple
Inspired by the best practices of other shopping experiences, our prototype gives the user the opportunity to browse through shifts in their area with the ease of shopping for a weekend hotel.
An experience made for me
With options to filter and sort available shifts, our users quickly see how Clipboard Health can fit within their active lifestyles.
These are a few of my favorite shifts
Collecting all favorited shifts on one page will help our users make a fast, informed decision to join Clipboard Health.